Sunday, April 15, 2007

Family HEALTH Blog Carnival - ENTER NOW

BLOG VILLAGE Health Carnival DEADLINE April 26 Midnight

The THEME for this Quarter's BLOG VILLAGE Carnival is

"All about HEALTH"

Are you a Care Giver? Do you have health problems you deal with on a regular basis? Just felt puny and blogged about it? Have the kids been sick? Maybe you blog about a more healthy life style, controversial issues like abortion, or the latest health news. Whether your post is to inform, vent, whine, poke fun, or whatever, if it has to do with Health, we're looking forward to reading what you have to say!!

You can click either banner to ENTER. Feel free to copy for your blog!

BLOG VILLAGE Health Carnival DEADLINE April 26 Midnight.

DEADLINE April 26 midnight

Will be online on our BLOG VILLAGE News on April 30th.



Unknown said...

Hi DB, I am not sure that I have a post that will fall into this criteria, but I am going to copy and add this article to my blogs. Have a great day!!!

Rosemary said...

Thanks for the promo post, Janey Loree. Consider yourself very fortunate that you haven't had any posts about health problems, etc! I haven't decided on the general topic for the July Carnival yet. Any suggestions?

Rosemary said...

But wait, Janey ... don't you have some posts somewhere about your back?????

Naomi said...

Hi Rosemary

I put your banner on my blog to advertise this. Good luck with your carnival! I will definitely be submitting a post.

Rosemary said...

Thanks for the promo, Naomi. It's most appreciated, and it might get you a link or two if a Guest of yours wants to enter.

Looking forward to reading your submission, too!