Sunday, May 13, 2007

Playing Football at IHOP

We went to see Spider Man this last Thursday, as my Mother's Day present, as we're both big fans of the comic book genre. Mind you, I still enjoyed it, but we were both disappointed with it. The plot just doesn't seem to be there. Without plot, the special effects held little suspense, and I didn't even think the bad guys were very interesting. Thank goodness, we enjoy being with each other, and that's what made it a good day.

We went to IHOP for pancakes as a late lunch, after the movie, and pretty much had the place to ourselves. And we did what we always do. We played football with a folded up soda straw wrapper. We've been thumping that little triangle of paper back and forth on restaurant tables ever since we started dating in 1960, and we still laugh and enjoy ourselves. We don't play it in fancier restaurants, and fast food places don't leave any time for it, but with Shoney's, Denny's, IHOP, and other restaurants of that type, it's just as much a part of eating there as the food.

And oh, what memories it brings back each time we play it. It seems to touch a place where young love was blooming, and we're always closer to each other after one of our "battles." DH almost always "wins," but we aren't really keeping score. It's the ritual that counts. The waitress was one of the talkative, interested ones, and she was flabbergasted when we told her we'd been playing that game for 47 years. People just don't stay married long enough any more to have those kinds of records in their lives. I never cease to be thankful for my wonderful marriage and the time I've gotten to spend with the love of my life. I am truly blessed.


Louisiana said...

Happy mother's day to you and yours dear friend. you know i have been away for too long and i'm not sure when i can come back regularly, but i hope it's sooner rather than later. for today, i'm doing my greetings rounds and i am so happy to visit you again.

hope you and the hubby are well. that business is good and that you are smiling away..until soon..much love.

Rosemary said...

Glad you stopped by, Chana, and Happy Mother's Day to you. I hope you're feeling better.

The Gatekeeper said...

Ha, ha, sounds like you had a fun time at IHOP. We usually flip coasters of the side of the table at Red Robin's. Of course, the trick is to actually catch it. I was also dissapointed with Spiderman 3. If it wasn't for James Franco I would not have gone to see it in the first place. Have a great day, my friend. How are you feeling these days?

Sheila said...

I haven't played that kind of football in so many years. What a great way to pass the time while waiting! When you say it out loud it sounds like a long time to be together but in reality the 35 years my husband have had together don't seem long at all. Guess you are that way too.

Rosemary said...

Sounds like we're both kids at heart, Gatekeeper! I've never heard of flipping coasters, but I guarantee you that I would never be able to catch it. I've always had terrible hand eye coordination, even as a child.

Rosemary said...

There are days, Sheila, when it seems like we've been married forever. But most of the time it just seems like a few years ago when we were young marrieds, flush with possibilities.

Naomi said...

Sounds like you enjoyed your trip to IHOP and your little game, even if the movie wasn't very good. The quality time you spent with your hubby made up for it. My parents were married for nearly 40 years until my dad passed away. It's so rare for marriages to last that long these days.

Rosemary said...

We are very fortunate to have a lasting marriage, Naomi. I'm very thankful for that, too.

CyberCelt said...

What a great story. I think many people remain married for a long time, but are not "in love" like you and your husband.

Angels all around you both.

Rosemary said...

We went to IHOP yesterday, CC, after my MRI, and played our football game one more time. Pancakes are one of my comfort foods, and after the nerve wracking MRI, I needed it. Playing that silly game always brings a big smile to my face. In fact, just thinking about it now brings out the grin :)!