Thursday, June 14, 2007

Washing Day Memories

Vintage Clothespin Bag made like a Pleated Skirt Dress
Here's another vintage item we found at an Estate Sale that I bet you haven't seen in a long time, if ever. This one sold very quickly on eBay, and the buyer was tickled to get it.

For those of us old enough to remember, this quaint clothespin bag may bring back memories of the wonderful smell of sun dried sheets. I remember putting the wet clothes on the clothesline being one of my chores at home. It was a struggle for me to lift the wet sheets up and get them pinned up, without dragging them on the grass. The sun did a great job of naturally bleaching out all the whites, but the colored clothes suffered in the sun.

Of course, back then, everything was cotton, and had to be ironed. That was the horrible part of the chore. We had a maid, so I didn't have to do that part, and I remember being very glad that Mama didn't make me do it.

I was very glad when we got our first clothes dryer, and I wouldn't want to go back to all that washing day routine, but I'll have to admit that I do miss the sun dried smell.


Anonymous said...

I still dry my sheets outside because I think that is the most wonderful smell in the world. I bought some cotton sheets with the highest thread count I could find to pamper myself. I don't iron them though. They have wrinkles, but so do I.

Sheila said...

Jan's comment is cute about the wrinkles.

I remember my mom's clothes pin bag. We didn't have a maid but she would wash and iron everything and on top of that, she'd go off to a full-time job everyday. She finally found a woman she carried the clothes to for ironing. Boy, things have changed.

The Gatekeeper said...

Hehehe, I'm 48 and finally got a dryer last year. We use clothes pins for potato chip bags. LOL. I do remember the fresh sun dried smell though.

Rosemary said...

I love the smell, Jan, but, unlike you and the Gatekeeper, I'm not willing to do the work to get that smell!!

My Mama had a maid as long as I can remember, as she worked through my whole childhood. I was still ironing on a regular basis when our children were little, but when Permanent Press came in I put that ironing board AWAY!!

Tracy said...

When I still lived at home, we hung our clothes on the clothes line in the summer and in the winter, we used the drier. Now, I live in town and don't have anywhere to hang my clothes.

Rosemary said...

There are compact versions of clotheslines, Tracy. And there's always the retractable line, if you have room for that. It's not something I've ever done research on, though, as I'm perfectly willing to have DH do the laundry the easiest way for HIM!! LOL!!

Naomi said...

Great post Rosemary. My Mum still uses one of these "peg bags". I think clothes, especially sheets always smell better when dried outside. Unfortunately we're tumble drying a lot of things at the moment due to the excessive amount of rain we're having in England at the moment!

Rosemary said...

We got an email from the lady who bought this clothespin bag, and she was delighted with it. We see peg bags, as you call it, every once in awhile, but I had never found one of these dress kind before.

Marion said...

I remember hanging diapers in the sun. There was nothing as great as those laundered diapers when they came off the line...bright white and smelling of the sun!

I have recently started ironing again; I used to have to iron as a job when I was 11-12, and I swore I would never iron again. That lasted until recently, when I got tired of looking as if I had just got out of bed!

Rosemary said...

Started ironing again, Marion???? Not my idea of fun, but we all but stand at the dryer door as it stops to get the clothes out unwrinkled.