When we were dating, way back in the 60's, we often went to a movie in downtown Birmingham. We always got the biggest popcorn bucket they had and ate out of it together. At the time, that seemed so romantic. We still go to movies from time to time, but now we go during the day and get the Senior discount. LOL And we do NOT buy anything from the concession stand!
We went to the movies today at a Rave Theater and really had a good time. It was just too hot to go Estate Sale hunting on our Date Day, so seeing a movie seemed like a "great date" idea. I laughed and laughed, even cried a little, thoroughly enjoying Hairspray.
DH stopped in the restroom before we left, so while I was waiting for him, I started looking at the prices of the concession stand snacks. When we were dating, the boy paid for everything. I don't know if boys do that anymore or not, but I can certainly understand where the change to going Dutch came from. Not only are the tickets to the movie very expensive, but treating a date to popcorn, a large drink, and maybe a candy bar, is downright expensive.
I noticed that the three largest Combo suggestions did NOT have a price on them. After DH listened to my outrage, we started consciously looking to see if the prices were shown anywhere at all. They were not.
By now, the floor manager noticed that we were obviously discussing something in a very upset way, and came to ask if there were a problem. We let him know that we were not at all happy with the lack of prices. The very idea of having a young fellow, eager to impress his date, and she picks one of these combos, without either of them knowing how much it is going to cost? Can't you just see that fellow telling the cashier that he can't afford it, after his date has picked it out? How embarrassing!!
By now, the big boss had come to see what we were all hot and bothered about, and his "reason" for not posting prices on those most expensive choices (he said the most expensive was in the neighborhood of $18.00!) was that they had promotions with different candy companies, so the price varied from time to time. I pointed out to him that the price marquee was electronic, and could be changed at the touch of a button. He then changed the reason to it was a company policy that he had no control over. That's when we asked how to contact the company.
I've complained before to Krystal's headquarters for not having handicap accessible bathrooms in a Birmingham location, and to a large local Realtor, Engel Realty, for not having handicap accessible outside doors on a medical building of all things, so I'm quite willing to complain to the Rave Theaters!
I've written an email to them, offering to post their reply. That should be interesting!
In the meantime, I think our grandson better start saving his money, as he is 13. We were planning to encourage him to start saving some money for his first car. Now, I'm thinking we had better be telling him to save money so he can take a girl to the movies!!
I had some friends who tried to come into a theatre with a bag of chips they had bought someplace else and were not allowed to bring it in. The mark up on theatre food is outrageous but they have a monopoly.
I have snuck in a bag of M&M's on occasion, Jan, but now I can't have chocolate, so I behave. ;)
I admit I break the rules, and bring bottled water in a back-pack. At least I buy the popcorn! (But I'm not paying $3.00 for bottled water!)
We usually wait until the movies come out on DVD unless it is one of those movies that look SO MUCH BETTER on the big screen.
The movie is just an excuse to get you to their concessions. That's where a theater really makes their money. The very idea of charging $3 for water is just deplorable.
We don't go to very many movies, either, unless they "need" the big screen. But compared to being outside at yard sales in 103 degrees, this was an excellent date!!
I generally don't eat in movies, (my fingers are in my ears because the sound track is too loud) but do so enjoy a little popcorn.
For Monday Memories I'm doing a meme about high school you might enjoy.
They certainly are loud, aren't they, NOrma. Particularly if you go to the movies mostly for the big swashbuckling kind like Pirates and the comic book genre, like we do.
I'll be sure to stop by your meme - should be interesting.
I always sneak food in. It is bad enough to pay 7.50 each for a ticket and then need a 20.00 to get something to drink and eat.
Rosemary, you can by Endangered Spaces blog and left a comment about gray water barrels. I have taken my washing machine out of the plumbing loop and have attached a long flexible hose (3" diameter) to the discharge pipe. This did not cost anything but some time and maybe $10 for the hose. I water my yard with it. You need to use biodegradable washing powder, like Arm & Hammer (nothing with phosphates.
Shhhhh Cybercelt, the movie police might hear you!!
We don't have any easy way of getting the hose from the washing machine out of the house, but a lot of people do that around here. We live in the country, so there aren't any zoning restrictions or such against it.
Thank you so much for your kind words to me in your comment. It's been an interesting few weeks, that's for sure. Sending warm thoughts your way....
Oh and I agree about how bad prices are. I think Bean and Little Man need to save up even now, so that they don't have to take a loan out later just to date.
Yep, Kel, it's time to start a savings account for your boys!! I'm sorry to see that you're going through such a rough time. You are in my prayers.
I worked in a movie theater in high school, and the reason concession prices are so outrageous is due to the fact the theaters make ALL of their money at the candy stand. They get absolutely no share of box office sales at all.
I always figured the theaters didn't make much off the movie, but I had no idea they didn't get any percentage of it! That explains their need for higher prices, just not why they charge SO much! We sell on eBay. It's awfully easy to price yourself right out of a sale, and I would think that's what is happening to theaters.
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