Michael wrote me the other day asking for help finding more information about Snap Jack or Flag Flyer Tom McCan shoes. I was able to find this page of memories about these shoes from the 50's that I thought you might enjoy seeing.

Being female, I don't have any memories of this brand of shoes, but looking at this Carl Perkins photo where he's holding his Snap Jack Blue Suede Shoes surely brought back memories. Blue Suede Shoes was one of my first 45's, and I can still see that yellow Sun Records label going round and round on my record player.
Pardon my interruption, but I am looking for folks that have either "Retro Sewing Blogs" or "Nostalgia Blogs" for an article I am working on . Please send your suggestions to me at dianne@cdiannezweig.com THANKS
kitsch n Stuff
Love your blog glad i found you.
Pardon my interruption, but I am looking for folks that have either "Retro Sewing Blogs" or "Nostalgia Blogs" for an article I am working on . Please send your suggestions to me at dianne@cdiannezweig.com
kitsch n Stuff
I'm glad you stopped by! In fact, I'm now following your blog. If you haven't already, check out the blogs I have listed on my sidebar. I think you will enjoy them.
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