Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year's Resolutions Bah Humbug!!

I never have been one to make a list of New Year's Resolutions. In my mind, what's the point. I know I'm not going to keep them, so I figure why bother. But some people have the fortitude to make some and actually try to stick to them. Good for them! Do you have any promises to yourself you hope to keep this next year? Care to share?


Jan said...

I have fun making resolutions for other people. :-)

Rosemary said...

How about making one for Me! LOL!! Thanks for stopping by, Jan.

Don said...

I have long and short term goals in life, and I use the first of the year to set the goals I am working hardest on that year. So, while they can be construed as resolutions, they are part of my over all goals that I do work on and focus on. Do I always reach those goals (such as weight) on schedule? No, but I do work on them!


Rosemary said...

Thanks for stopping by, Don. I always made to-do lists when I was younger and loved crossing things off as they were accomplished. I seem to have lost that habit somewhere along the way. Hopefully when I feel better emotionally I will find it easier to make some goals and STICK to them. I certainly proved I could do it as far as my weight was concerned!!