In the late 1920's early 30's my mother won a carnival glass dish/bowl by tossing a coin in the dish. She had the dish for many years but it got broken. My sister and I have been looking for one for years. My mother said it was about 6-8 inches across and plain. She describes it something like a console bowl. She said it had lines underneath and rounded down at the top. I saw something on e-bay that might be it, but not sure. It is a salad bowl. Do you know of anything like this?
If you or a friend is knowledgeable in this area of collecting, I'd appreciate it if you would post a comment, or send this post to your friend.
Online there are many sites that offer sales and discounts on collectibles. I found this site on Carnival Glass, you can visit the link, there are some very good carnival glass bowls and other items.
Thanks for the link, Dave. The site seems to be affiliated with eBay in some way, so I'm not sure how much help it would be. But it certainly does make an easy place to look at the pictures.
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